The e-learning modules MOOC

Welcome to engage in the Transit e-learning modules.

As a dedicated output in the Transit project, we have collected and curated the intensive and comprehensive discussions among the project partners on how civil servants and bike organizations may promote sustainable mobility in two distinct e-learning modules.

The first module focuses on a theoretical understanding of how to promote a behavioral change among citizens, particular towards an increased use of bicycle in everyday travelling in local environments.

The second module, collect and present the practical challenges that the partner organizations face in their local context, and reflects upon potential solutions on these challenges, transformed from the theoretical discussions.

The modules are primarily targeted to practitioners (civil servants or active in bike associations) and may be utilized as a tool for reflection and knowledge transfer. As a student, you may engage in these modules and reflect upon the relevance in relation to the challenges you may face in your own context. Our ambition is to be a party in an ongoing discussion on how local authorities and bike organization in Europe may support sustainable mobility.